Farrow to Finish & Marketing School
Standby for 2025 Dates! Shenandoah County, VA.
Farrow to Finish School: We will go in depth on how Jordan and Laura built a pasture based farrow to finish and became one of the largest pasture based farrowers in the state of Virginia. All aspects of production and marketing will be addressed in a hands on - out on the farm setting - along with classroom aspects. Participants will leave with an interactive curriculum filled with pertinent information of the course, along with the knowledge accumulated over years of trial and error to build a scaled, pasture based, swine enterprise. This will be the premier on farm event for those looking to build a pasture based pork enterprise & market at a scale supporting a full time income.
Marketing School: This school will go in depth on how we started from scratch and have continued to grow our sales exponentially year after year. It takes work and we will provide the knowledge and useful tools so that you can succeed in your marketplace. We all know that without selling what we produce, we won’t have a viable business. So let’s be sure to have the correct information to work in a way that will create the biggest impact in sales. We will discuss our experience with Farmers Markets, Drop Sites/Buying Clubs, Online Sales, Shipping, Home Delivery, Wholesale, Restaurants, and On-farm sales. We’ll look at the ins and outs of logistics, regulations, selling by the piece vs. by the pound, carcass vs. individual cuts, websites, e-commerce, cut sheets, building your story, branding, social media presence, and so much more. It’s exciting and fun to watch your business grow (or looking at where you want to start) and we are excited to help you! This class can be taken with the Farrow to Finish School or taken by itself. Happy Selling!
Schedule for Dates: Tuesday, October 1st thru Thursday, October 3rd, 2024. Each school can stand alone or be purchased together. The Farrow To Finish School will end around lunch time on Oct. 2 with the Marketing School beginning that afternoon. We expect the marketing school end around 5p.m on Oct. 3rd.
Ticket Price:
Advanced rate - good through Sept 1.
Both Schools: $950
Single School: $700
Advanced registration closes Sept. 1st. General registration closes Sept. 21st.
General registration tickets will be higher so register early!
Last Minute Tickets: Please note we will do our best to accommodate.
Young folks ( 8 - 16 YO ) may attend for a youth rate of $250, please no children under 8 years old without contacting us first.
LODGING - There are several chain hotels and motels within 15 minutes of the farm in the towns of Woodstock VA & Mt. Jackson VA. We recommend the Holiday Inn in Woodstock here.
~ Jordan & Laura
Follow Jordan at Jordan Green - FarmBuilder
FarmBuilder Youtube Channel here
This school is sponsored by GrazeCart. Check them out here.